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30th September 2020
Isn't it true that every time during a birthday, there is a friend or relative who jokes with the birthday boy saying "somebody is getting old, huh"!? Don't tell us this has never happened to you, because it's definitely impossible. However, to make sure, this time we will make fun of ourselves about the old age we are getting. Yes, because after getting five years old, we feel "old", even if luckily we still don't have infirmities!
Seriously, did you know that 9 startups of 10 do not survive longer than 3 years?! Basing on these numbers and considering the pandemic emergency we have had to deal with, we can consider ourselves really lucky, and at the same time we can say that "we're getting old". That is exactly why today we want to celebrate such a special day, in a different way. We are not going to celebrate ourselves. We are not going to talk to you about how much our profit has grown in this years, rather we are interested in thanking you. We are aware that no company "gets big" without the support of a large network of customers, suppliers, partners and collaborators. Our thanks, therefore, go to you: to the more than 50.000 passengers who have chosen to travel with BusForFun, to the hundreds of suppliers, to the more than 4.000 partners and to all of our collaborators, who work sinergically with us every day.
If in these years we have managed to save 170 tons of CO2, it is thanks to you. By choosing to travel by bus you have saved about 121,000 liters of diesel. Do you have any idea how many there are? We could have filled 60 Olympic swimming pools! Thanks to you, we also were able to plant nearly 200 trees around the world, through which about 7 tons of CO2 have been absorbed from the atmosphere. To get a concrete idea of how many there are, consider that with that quantity you could fill 54,577 basketballs. Traveling by bus you have also contributed to saving about 2,062,996 km (which otherwise would have been traveled by car), the equivalent of the Earth-Moon distance multiplied by five! Yes, because for every bus that leaves, there are about 15 fewer cars on the road, with all that this implies in terms of traffic, pollution and accidents decrease.
These numbers make us proud, give us a good reason to celebrate this day and motivate us to go on, despite all the difficulties, which, especially in recent months, have been a lot.
The latest Confidustria report estimates that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, SME’s revenues could decrease of 12.8% in 2020 and of 11% in 2021, which is the equivalent of 227 billion euros. Unfortunately, the worst damage will be suffered by the companies most affected by social distancing measures, such as cinemas, restaurants, event locations and transport companies. The economic balance of this crisis is disastrous for SMEs: almost a third of them, may not be able to overcome it and about 1.8 million workers might suddenly be in financial difficulty.
Reading this data, we are sure that 99.8% of you is thinking that it is definitely impossible that "everything will be fine". In fact, the situation nowadays is not the best, but "hope is the last to die".
In fact, returning to the Confindustria report, if the State disburses all the funds it has committed to allocate, the negative effects will be greatly attenuated.
But, one thing is for sure, we have never thought about giving up nor about staying stationary, waiting for a miracle to save us. As we told you in the last article, we have been doing and we are doing our best to seize all the opportunities of this crisis: from the creation of new travel proposals, to the application of our technologies to solve new problems (e.g. transportation of workers to the companies), to internal and organizational innovations. We know it’s not an easy road, but it does not scare us. If we had had to face this situation a few years ago, probably now we wouldn't be here to tell you about what we are doing during our fifth birthday. But since now "we are getting old" we cannot afford it ... now it's up to us to roll up our sleeves and to do our best, in order to carry out our mission!
Let's toast together the vision of a greener world… HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUSFORFUN!
P.S. Do you want to help us carry out our mission? Sign up to our newsletter and talk to your friends about us. Unity is strength!
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