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July 12th & 13th 2024, Rome
One year later, everything is ready for the great return of Coldplay in Italy: mark the dates on the calendar and don't make any appointments for next July 12th and 13th! Chris Martin's band will land this time in Rome with its Music Of the Spheres bringing all the sounds, lights and colors that have characterized its career from the beginning of Parachutes to the sounds of the last album. Are you ready to come with us and hear them live?
#BusForFun #Coldplay #MOTSWT
Coldplay was born almost as a joke in 1997 from the meeting of the leader Chris Martin with the musicians Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman and Will Champion. After a few years of apprenticeship, the British quartet signed their first major contract with the Parlophone label and in 2000 released "Parachutes", their official debut album best remembered for the very successful single "Yellow". The rest is the story of one of the most famous pop-rock bands of the early millennium. Between 2002 and 2015 they released six studio albums including "Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends" from 2008 which, just three days after its release, conquered the top of the British sales charts while in 2015 it was "A Head Full of Dreams" with its tour to break all attendance records. In 2019 they are out with their latest work "Everyday Life" [...]
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