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July 29th 2025, Milan
Over 5.5 million albums sold and 7.6 billion streams! Who are we talking about?? Finally the most acclaimed Australian band is in Italy for the first time! After a few years of absence, Empire of the Sun will perform in Milan with an UN-MISSABLE scenographic and musical show and we can't wait to experience the thrill of seeing Luke Steele with the most absurd looks live. Are you ready for pure adrenaline??! Previously we loved them at X-Tra in Zurich, at Lovebox Festival in London and at Sziget, Hungary for two events between 2011 and 2013. Don't miss the only date that the band has decided to do on Tuesday 29th July at Carroponte in Sesto San Giovanni! Book your tickets as soon as possible with busforfun, we are waiting for you!
#busforfun #empireofthesun #askthatGodtour
First noticed by Elton John, Empire of the sun Sun is an Australian band that mixes electronic sounds, impactful scenography and unforgettable performances. The group's name is inspired by the 1984 novel of the same name written by J.G. Ballard and it is composed of Luke Steele and Nick Littlemore. Formed in 2008 in Sydney, the group's first single is Walking on a Dream, which is also the name of their debut album. After several successes, on July 26, 2024, the new album of unreleased material was released, entitled Ask That God.
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