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14 Junija 2018, Firenze
Dave Grohl in tovariši se vračajo, čakanja je konec: Foo Fighters bodo kmalu prileteli v Firence. Ne zamudite te izjemne priložnosti. Pridite z nami na njihov edini koncert v Italiji v sklopu turneje 2018. Pri podjetju Busforfun komaj čakamo, da vas pospremimo do odra. Takoj si zapišite datum: 14 junij. Čaka vas nepozaben večer ob zvokih rock'n' roll glasbe. Podjetje Busforfun bo z vami spremljalo dogajanje iz prve vrste, prav tako kot v Ceseni...Prepričani smo, da se bomo s skupino Foo Fighters tudi mi naučili leteti!
A to še ni vse, pred Foo Fightersi bodo v Firencah nastopile skupine The Kills, Wolf Alice in Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes...
#BFF #WeTheFun #FooFighters #FirenzeRocks
When Foo Fighters released a debut album written and recorded entirely by leader Dave Grohl -- at that point known only as the powerhouse drummer for Nirvana -- in the summer of 1995, few would have guessed that the group would wind up as the one band to survive the '90s alt-rock explosion unscathed. Other bands burned brighter but flamed out, breaking up after scoring a hit or two, while the Foos steadily racked up success after success, filling stadiums around the world while staying on top of the charts all the way into the second decade of the new millennium. Once the band's lineup coalesced around the time of its third album in 1999, Foo Fighters' sound also gelled into a recognizable signature built upon the heavy, melodic, loud-quiet-loud template of the Pixies and Nirvana, the modern rock anchored by a love of classic guitar rock. It was commercial without pandering, creatively restless without being alienating, a sound with wide appeal delivered by a band that was happy to tour and record the way bands did back in the '70s. When Wasting Light became their first number one album in America upon its release in the spring of 2011, it was confirmation that Foo Fighters were survivors who had earned a large, devoted audience primarily through hard work [...]
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