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July 11th 2017 Florence - November 20th 2017, Milan
2017 will be a dazzling summer! Jamiroquai will perfrom in Florence on the 11th July, while on the they will be in Milan on the 20th November to let you dance with their Automaton Tour: two evenings not to miss for ryhthm funk and acid jazz lovers , but also for anyone who loves to dance and have fun until the end. We, at Busforfun will be there in strenghth, not only to acompany you in our buses in all safety and stress free, but above all to let our hair down with you ;-)
It' difficult to put a lable on Jamiroquai, a band that has been able to change style and sounds laways maintaining intact their electrifiying energy and vitality: The acid jazz of the first albums has left room to disco-dance, to funk of the recent singles that embrace soul and trip-hop. A true FUSION of styles, personafied by Jason "Jay" Kay, leader of th band, son of a Jazz couple, admiror of the native American culture, with only one passion bigger than fast cars and funny hats, the desire to have fun and to dance...
For those who have already had the good fortune of admiring him "live", there aren't excuses to miss this, for all the others it will be an occasion to take part in an unforgettable concert: We, at Busforfun will be there and we will be waiting for you on bord our buses for a funk odissey...
#BFFconcerts #Jamiroquai #JamiroquaiLive2017 #Automaton
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