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31st March 2021
It seems that in order to get out of the borders, whatever they may be, we’ll have to wait a little longer!
At this time, tourism is expressly not recommended, when not directly prohibited. Trips are authorized only for specific countries, with an obligatory swab both on the departure (if provided for by the local authorities of destination) and on return, plus fiduciary isolation in the absence of the test on returning to Italy.
The tourism sector has suffered a devastating pause. The AGI/Censis dossier "Italy under strain. Transition Diary 2020/2021" reports a truly alarming data that sees a -60/80% of global flows and global economic losses of more than 1,100 billion. In the first eleven months of 2020, Italy recorded 219 million fewer tourist arrivals in accommodations facilities, which is equal to -52.2% compared to 2019.
All we have to do is be patient and take the time we have to devise new strategies and not be unprepared when we leave. Because it will start again shortly, we are sure!
Therefore, let’s take advantage to reflect about new plans to be adopted to relaunch the entire national territory. Let’s find the critical points to improve and make each individual destination more competitive.
Tourism linked to a fixed appointment, such as music festivals, a great event of particular importance, a sports competition or an important exhibition of figurative arts has attracted people in many destinations for some years now. Those particular kinds of tourists are kept an eye on by experts in the sector. In these cases, the people decide to participate in the event on their own initiative, to move and reach the destination responding to their passions and personal interests.
Take, for example, Luna Rossa's feats in the 36th America's Cup, which took place a few weeks ago in the waters of the Hauraki Gulf in Auckland, on the other side of the world. Although a few days earlier New Zealand had returned to a lockdown to Level 1 (for some cases of COVID-19 on the islands), the competition took place and was followed by a crowd bath represented by about 25,000 spectators on site.
The last Alpine Skiing World Championships held in Cortina last month would also have had a great public response. Despite the difficulties, encountered in the preparatory phases due to the continuous regulatory changes dictated by the health emergency, which introduced an unusual organization of spaces and people, until the closure to the public: the event still hosted a large number of people and employees. The sporting event took place in the name of health and safety, thanks to the collaboration of all public and private stakeholders. 600 athletes, more than 700 volunteers, technicians, journalists and guests alternated for two weeks to Cortina d’Ampezzo, but the numbers would have been very different with the opening to the general admissions.
Before the pandemic, the numbers were even more important. For example, the Jova Beach Party, a series of concerts held on various Italian beaches in the summer of 2019 that involved over 600,000 fans from all over Italy. Just think that only the concert in the city of Pescara recorded the number of over 32 thousand people, with a boom in attendance in hotels and restaurants of 100%. Or the New York Marathon that every year attracts professionals and enthusiasts from all over the world, with the participation of 50.000 marathon runners, of which 10.000 are foreigners, and more than 2 million spectators.
And the estimated numbers for the 2026 Milan-Cortina Winter Olympics are no less. In fact, the Chamber of Commerce has calculated that in the municipalities of Milan, Cortina, Bormio and Livigno the business of the sectors most directly involved is 14 billion, of which 7,7 billion in trade and as many in housing, 1 billion in the organization of events, almost 600 million in entertainment and 500 million in sport.
Experience teaches us that events of a certain resonance have always attracted thousands of fans, representing a winning and fast formula to relaunch both territorial tourism and the very image of the place where the event takes place, giving a great boost to the local economy. The relationship with the brand is fundamental to create a tangible link with the territory (see the case of Cortina 2021) to improve its brand awareness. The objective of the effective marketing campaign must focus on the affirmation of territorial identity and draw attention to the territory itself, taking advantage of the echo of the event.
In these years we talk more and more about experiential tourism where "what matters is not the destination, but to live the intimate experience and be the protagonist of your holiday". The destination may be unknown, but it won't be during and after the event! Once tourists arrive at the destination, they will, in addition to the event that them led there, find collateral activities that will intrigue them and make them discover the resources that the territory offers.
While the big event attracts a large audience and change tourist season demand, the local community must also be able to welcome and manage it. To make the most of the driving force of the sporting event, or the great artistic/musical event, it is necessary to contextualize the event in the commercial and industrial context of the place.
That is why, in order to create an effective territorial marketing strategy aimed at promoting the destination, capital and human resources must be brought into play, citizens must be involved (they are the first promoters of their territory), collaborations with public and private bodies must be started, and ensure that everyone collaborates with each other.
Let's think once again about the 2021 Alpine World Ski Championships in Cortina, where the organization has been joined by local, national and international companies to restructure hospitality, carry out the redevelopment of the slopes and infrastructures.
Major events (sporting and non-sporting) also guarantee great visibility at the media level as they are followed by thousands of people who cannot be physically present on site. During the America's Cup, there were about 620,000 sailing enthusiasts tuned into the television channels that broadcast the regattas live at 4:000 am on Italian National tv, while Sky recorded around 384,000 people broadcasting. These spectators, although not personally involved, because physically far from the beauties of the place, are still fascinated by them and may decide to visit them later. Thanks to the presence on the world's newspapers and television, not to mention the energetic and lively digital activity, the territory becomes known and becomes a dream destination!
Nowadays the potential of large events is proven and represents a valid communication tool to spread and promote the image of the place. That's why more and more tourist destinations are proposing to host this type of event and pointing marketing strategies in this direction.
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