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The use of cookies on the part of BUSFORFUN.COM S.R.L. is compliant with privacy policy of the Italian Data Protection Authority and in compliance to the new Guideines on the use of cookies and of others tracing tools issued on 26.11.2020 by Italian Data Protection Authority regarding the protection of personal data.
The Data Collector of the collected data through this website is BUSFORFUN.COM S.R.L., with headquarter in Via Bottenigo, 217 – 30175 – Venice – info@busforfun.com.
BUSFORFUN has appointed a Responsible of Personal Data Protection (RPD) which can be contacted at the following e-mail address: dpo@busforfun.com.
A cookie is a small quantity of data sent to your navigation browser from a website and which is subsequently stored on a hard disk or mobile peripherals.The cookie is reread and recognized from the website and sent every time you do a connection afterwards.
Operational Cookies
This type of cookie is strictly necessary for the correct functioning of some website sections. There are two categories: persistent and session:
• persistent: saved on your computer and that is not deleted automatically when you quit your browser
• session: the cookie is deleted when you quit your browser
Those cookies are necessary to correctly display the website and in relation to the technical services offered, they will be always used and sent, unless the user modifies the settings on its browser (invalidating so the visualization of the pages on the Website).
Analytical Cookies
The cookie in this category is used to collect information on the use of the Website.
The analytical cookies are sent from the Website itself or from third-party domains.
Third-party Analytical Cookies
Those cookies are used with the aim to collect information on the use of the Website from the users in an anonymous way like visited pages, permanence time, origins of the source traffic, geographical origin, age, gender, and interest with aim of marketing campaigns. Those cookies are sent from third-parties’ domains external from the website.
Cookies to integrate third-parties products and software functions
This type of cookie integrates functionalities developed by third parties in the Website pages like, for example, the icons and preferences expressed on social networks with the aim to share content of the Website or for the use of software service by third parties. Those cookies are sent from third parties’ domains and partner websites which offers their functionalities between the website pages.
Profiling Cookies
Cookies necessary to create users’ profiles with the aim to send advertising messages following the preferences displayed by the users in the Website pages.
This website employes:
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30 days |
Ads |
2 weeks |
Analytics |
2 years |
Ads |
30 days |
In case of third-party cookies
For further information, please consult the following informative:
Approval of the cookie’s employment
In case of first time visit of the user to the portal, this will be informed on the analytical and profiling cookies, through a banner with a brief informative which will ask for proof of consensus on the use of cookies employed.
How to delete/disable cookies
All the cookies can be cancelled or disabled even individually from the user inside the software used to surf the web. To know how to cancel or disable, based on the type of browser used, please consult the following linked pages, and follow the principal applications in circulation:
Page for Mozilla Firefox: chere
Page for Google Chrome: here
Page for Opera: here
Page for Internet Explorer: here
Page for Apple Safari: here
ATTENTION: In case of disabling of the operational cookies, the website could not work correctly.
BUSFORFUN has adopted adequate safety measures with the aim to lower at the minimum the risks of destruction or lost – even accidental – of data, of not authorized access or not allowed treatment or not compliant with the collection purposes indicated.
The data subject has rights to obtain, in the cases referred, the access to its personal data and the adjustment or the cancellation of those data or the limitation on the treatment which concerns or to oppose at the treatment (art. 15 and following of Regulation). Data subjects who consider that the processing of personal data relating to them carried out through this site is in violation of the provisions of the Regulation have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor, as provided for by art. 77 of the Rules of Procedure, or to refer to the appropriate courts.
If you wish to have more information on the processing of your personal data, or exercise the rights referred to in the previous point, the data subject may contact the Data Protection Officer by writing to: dpo@busforfun.com.
Before we can provide yourself, or change any information, we may need to verify your identity and for you to answer some questions. An answer will be provided as soon as possible, within a maximum of 30 days from the request
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