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In compliance of Regulation (EU) no. 1303/2013, in particular of Annex XII, with regard to information and communication, the beneficiary informs the public about the support obtained from the funds providing, on its website, where this exists, a brief description of the operation, in proportion to the level of support, highlighting the financial support received from the Union and placing at least one poster with information on the project (minimum format A3) for operations not covered under points 4 and 5) , which indicates the financial support of the Union, in a place easily visible to the public, such as the entrance area of a building, Busforfun.com took steps to implement this information page.
Busforfun.com srl has submitted a request for support by the synthetic title "CONSOLIDATION OF CALCULATION MODELS AND INTERNATIONALIZATION OF BUSFORFUN.COM SRL"
Busforfun.com srl aims to internationalize its products in the neighboring countries of the EU, furthermore advanced computing technologies and Business Intelligence have been introduced. Thanks to the activities carried out throughout 2017, Busforfun.com has acquired the necessary skills to internationalize that will result in a probable 55% increase in revenues.
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